Why You Should Get Allergy Shots

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Allergies are more than just a nuisance, they can put a serious damper on your overall health and comfort. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer through allergy season and spread the rest of the year dreading its arrival. Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a well-known, effective way to ease and relieve allergy symptoms. Allergy shots expose you to a minuscule amount of an allergy the individual is allergic to, to build-up their tolerance over time.

If you’re tired of consistently taking medicine that is ineffective, it may be time for you to switch to allergy shots. In this article, we’ll break down how allergy shots work and why they may be a viable solution for you.

How Allergy Shots Work

If you’re interested in giving allergy shots a try, it helps to understand the process and everything it entails. Our Vancouver naturopathic clinic will help you identify the specific substances you may be allergic to. Formulating a shot based on your allergy test results, you’ll most likely receive an allergy shot from our naturopathic doctor at least once a week for approximately three to six months. Every week, the allergist will increase the number of allergens in the shot formulation until a proper maintenance dose is reached. Once that dosage is reached, the individual is most likely able to cut back on the frequency of the visits from every week to every two to four weeks. The ultimate goal is to keep you on a maintenance dosage for three to five years or until the allergy symptoms are less prominent.

Allergy Shots Are Not Just Seasonal

Allergies don’t always stick to one season and dissipate! Indoor allergies, including allergies to mould, dust mites and animal dander, can occur year-round. Allergy shots are effective for both seasonal allergies as well as indoor allergies and insect bite allergies. Insect allergies can often be dangerous, which is why it’s advised to get allergy shots as they have been quite close to a complete cure.

Allergy Shots Can Improve Asthma and Eczema

Most people are quick to assume that allergy symptoms are strictly runny noses and itchy eyes. Allergy shots help relieve these symptoms along with other symptoms, such as flare-ups and difficulty breathing as a result of asthma. Controlling allergies can relieve the frustrating symptoms of these conditions. Eczema, a skin condition, can also become less irritating and severe with the use of allergy shots. Environmental, seasonal allergies can worsen Eczema conditions. Alongside laboratory testing, Inspirit Health Group offers IgC and IgE blood tests and Vega Testing.

Inspirit Health Group is your Vancouver naturopathic clinic for natural, non-invasive body restoration treatments. We are committed to helping our patients find harmonious healing in their mind, body and spirit to achieve a more balanced life. We’ll find a personalized, comprehensive treatment plan for you to get back on track to finding balance! Book an appointment today at https://inspirit.janeapp.com/!

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